On this page you find Members and Friends of UECNA.

If you want to become a Member or a Friend, please fill in the form on the Contact page.
Membership costs per year: € 60 for individuals, € 200 for local associations, € 500 for regional organisations, and € 1.000 for an umbrella organisation.
From Friends we expect a (small) donation.


CountryNameLogoStatusQuote / Main targets
CountryNameLogoStatusQuote / Main targets
ADERA riverains'Noise murders thought' 'Le bruit assassine les pensées' (Nietzsche)
ADRA riverainsAssociation de Défense des Riverains de l'Aéroport de Bâle Mulhouse
Alerte Nuisances Aériennes
DRAPO - OrlyThe sky also pertains to those living under it / Le ciel appartient aussi à ceux qui demeurent dessous
Elan Savigny Environnement
BI against growth Frankfurt AirportAircraft noise is the acoustic trash from the sky
Bürger gegen Fluglärm e.V.Protecting the people around Düsseldorf Airport from harmful environmental influences
BVF - Bundesvereinigung gegen Fluglärm e.V. Better legal protection against noise, systematic reduction of slots and healthy UFP limits
DFLD - Deutscher Fluglärmdienst e.V.
Fluglärm Kelkheim
ARAG - GeneveAgainst uncontrolled expansion of our urban airport with many low-cost flights
Schutzverband der Bevölkerung around Basel Airport
SBFZ - Schutzverband der Bevölkerung um den Flughafen Zürich
Bewoners Omgeving Schiphol in the ORSDownsize Schiphol, noise within health limits, safety on the ground
BTV Rotterdam AirportCommitted to improve the living environment of Rotterdam-The Hague Airport
Platform Vliegoverlast AmsterdamWe, neighbours of Schiphol, are concerned about our health, safety, environment and climate
ARGE - WienUninhibited growth of air traffic leads to an increase in noise and other deleterious emissions
Bruxelles Air Libre BrusselDetermined to defend the rights and quality of life against the risks and nuisances caused by air traffic
Sterrebeek 2000
HACAN - Heathrow LondonWe give a voice to residents under the Heathrow flight paths.
Aktionsgruppen mot Brommaflyget
Prou Soroll
Acoustica Marsigli
Brisbane Flight Path Community AlliancePeople Before Planes
Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau
ZERO - Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável
Green IstriaWe dream about active citizens that build a just society and live sustainably on our planet
Environmental Noise in the EUAuthorities should support their citizens. Public Health is our aim taming aviation
Say No To Expansion Of AviationWe have to stand together for our health, safety, nature, environment and climate.
Landelijk Burgerberaad LuchtvaartAviation is out of balance!
Werkgroep Toekomst Luchtvaart
Recht op Bescherming tegen VliegtuighinderA healthy living environment is a human right. And that right also applies to residents in the Schiphol region.
Stop Stansted ExpansionCampaigning against proposals to expand Stansted Airport
CARPE - Geneve
Association de Défense des Riverains de l’Aéroport de Bâle-Mulhouse
PAMPULHA VIVAAgainst aeronautical pollution in Pampulha (Brasil)